Tuesday, February 17, 2009

New on KobreGuide: 'Got an Hour?' & 'Top 10'

We've got two new sections on KobreGuide.com . You've probably noticed the two new navigation tabs -- "Got an Hour?" and "Top 10."

Most of the "best videojournalism" we showcase is produced by newspapers, and is about 3 to 7 minutes long. However, every now and then we stumble across longform videojournalism that we find so irresistable that we find ourselves carving out a full hour to watch it. Because these videos are usually produced by TV or film crews over a period of weeks (or in some cases years), their scope is far more ambitious than those produced on deadline by one- or two-person newspaper video crews. We've decided that, if the material was strong and timeless enough to have kept us riveted, that it makes perfect sense to share it with our fellow videojournalism afficionados . But at the same time, we realize it's a different brew from our usual fare. Hence, our new navigation tab: "Got an Hour?"

Additionally, we're often asked, "What's the best video on KobreGuide?" That's almost like asking to choose your favorite book, movie or TV show. So many criteria, so many factors. A videostory's mere presence on KobreGuide indicates our ipso facto seal of approval. And we've already got our "Hall of Fame" archive of the best stories we've previously spotlighted (more than 200 and growing daily). But for those who want to see the ne plus ultra, we've created our own revolving Top 10 list, which blends our favorites with our audience's most popular "greatest hits" (judging from Web traffic stats). These are the stories that best meet our criteria and standards, and are exemplary of the best videojournalism being produced today.

So please let us know what you think of those -- and which other KobreGuide stories you feel should be Top 10 candidates. Similarly, we'd like to know under what circumstances you'd be inclined to watch an hour-long video online, and welcome you to share all your favorites with us, long or short.

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