Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Amanda Koster's Magical Mystery Tours

Want to go to Guatemala this June? Photojournalist Amanda Koster wants to take you with her. Her traveling band of visual storytellers, which she calls SalaamGarage (for reasons you'll have to visit her Website to discover), still has a few open slots.

SalaamGarage leads trips that combine cultural immersion travel with media storytelling with and for NGOs around the world. Think: humanitourism meets Web 2.0.

Our trips around the world connect participants with international Non-Governmental Organizations (NGOs). Participants (storytellers: passionate and not necessarily professional writers, bloggers, videographers, photographers, etc.) commit to creating and sharing unique, independent media projects that raise awareness and cause positive change. We are the media now. Join us.

How does this work:
1. come with us / take a trip
2. team up, create a project with an international NGO
3. travel around the region
4. go home and share the project
5. cause change

Gosh, she makes it all sound so easy! Roll up, roll up for her magical mystery tour.

More info on Amanda's Website, blog, and SalaamGarage blog.

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