This video by Anthony Gettig shows Robb Montgomery (pictured) teaching elementary schoolteachers the basics of videojournalism... so that they can pass along the skills to their fourth-graders!
Gettig reports:
Using Flip cameras, Mac laptops, and Final Cut Express, they learned the basics of video production. It was great to see every teacher in the training not only demonstrate their learning by producing short films, but share the ways they can use it in their classrooms. As a K-12 Technologist and new media producer myself, I am genuinely excited to see video journalism reach into classrooms.Montgomery reports:
One of my Camp Video Journalism Orlando students, Anthony Gettig, produced this short video report.
Anthony and the school’s principal have been promoting multimedia as a way to document the progress they were making with their magnet school program - primarily through the individual achievements of students and teachers.
Last week I was invited to teach more teachers from this Magnet School. When their classes begin in a couple weeks they will be making films for their lesson themes and also of their student projects. Using the video form to document and enhance student self-esteem in the learning process. Brilliant approach.
Students will be taught how to use the video cameras, produce podcasts, write shows and make media matter for their peers and their community.
Gettig recently launched a lunchtime video club where students learn the fundamentals of filmmaking. It is so popular that he is able to use the club membership to enforce discipline and recognize achievement in other areas.
This magnet school in Kalamazoo is serving one of the poorest urban neighborhoods and video expertise is but one tool that the faculty will be using as part of their long-term game plan to transform their community. And they are already beginning to see how powerful visual storytelling can be in supporting that effort.
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